Monday, July 23, 2018

Teriyaki Chicken

I love the flavor of teriyaki sauce and I think it's much better homemade.  The word teriyaki derives from teri which refers to a shine, and yaki which refers to broiled or grilled.  Teriyaki dates back to 17th century Japanese cooking.  Chicken pieces are marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sake, sugar or honey, and garlic.  I skewered chicken tenders after marinating for several hours and broiled for about 15 minutes, turning them halfway through.  Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with rice for a quick and easy Japanese takeout dish.

Teriyaki Salmon, Broccoli and Rice

One of my 2022 goals is to explore Japanese food.  Tonight I made salmon with homemade teriyaki sauce and a side of steamed broccoli drizzle...