Sunday, November 18, 2018

Korean Teriyaki Hot Dog

I bought a package of Filipino red hot dogs at my local Asian market with the intention of having them with rice and eggs for breakfast, a dish posted here in March called Hotsilog.  I wondered how else they could be cooked and I discovered a recipe on Omma's Kitchen on YouTube.  This is possibly one of the best fast food dishes I've ever made.  The hot dogs are cut on the diagonal and stir-fried with onion and garlic, then a small splash of soy sauce and sugar are added, just a scant teaspoon of each.  Served with an egg and you have a quick and easy lunch. 

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Teriyaki Salmon, Broccoli and Rice

One of my 2022 goals is to explore Japanese food.  Tonight I made salmon with homemade teriyaki sauce and a side of steamed broccoli drizzle...