Thursday, November 1, 2018

Egg Fried Rice with Scallions and Ginger

My biggest challenge in the kitchen is to use everything I buy and to not waste food.  A friend of mine who was born in France but came to the U.S. at the age of 20, learned life long lessons about food and never allowing a single thing to go to waste.  She's the only person I know who is like that and it seems everyone I talk to says they too can do better about not wasting food.  So today, instead of having my usual hash brown patty with a fried egg on top for breakfast, I used up some rice from several days ago, and some scallions that looked like they were close to being put in the disposal, and I made a wonderful and simple fried rice.  I cooked the rice, scallions and a little fresh minced ginger in canola oil until it was a little crispy in places then tossed in a whisked egg.  It only takes a few minutes for the egg to set and breakfast is ready.  I topped it with a sprinkle of black sesame seeds and salt and before I had finished I wanted a little spice so I added a dash of Sriracha.

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